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WATSON BIO LAB General Catalog


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WATSON BIO LAB General Catalog

Challenging "MONOZUKURI*"     for Research, for High More high-purityCollection data of elutionfrom plastic productsChanging the color of TipsIn the past, Yellow or Blue color tips have been used in several researches.However, it is still unclear that influence on experimentsby eluted substance from plastic products surface.To prevent any further concern, we decided to switch out colored tips for clear ones.Because color-coded trays are for simple identification of tips and pipette,users don't need to depend on tip color about volume of tips.Cell culture products are hydrophilizedCell culture container for adherent cells areonly hydrophilized by special corona treatment.These products don't include coating materials.Coating materials are not applied to these products.We ourselves have collected identified data of eluted substancefrom plastic products surface.We will provide users even safer and reliable productsby developing arrangements capable of dealing with concern ofinfluence on experiments by elution of plastic products.2